Články ze dne 4. 3. 2024

GymtriStar 2024

GymtriStar 2024 zná svého vítěze. Před plnou aulou předvedlo svá vystoupení 13 odvážných soutěžících. Tak jako v minulých letech i letos hodnotila výkony mladých umělců odborná porota. Důležitou úlohu mělo publikum, které fazolovým hlasováním poslalo do finále 3 soutěžící – kapelu APM, zpěváka lidové písně a basistu Patrika Franka a zpěvačku Emu Adamčíkovou. Vítězem a nositelem titulu GymtriStar 2024 se stala kapela APM. Také byla udělena zvláštní cena poroty klavíristce Rút Borské a Patrikovi Frankovi.

V hodině angličtiny, která navazovala na GymtriStar, jsme si zopakovali hudební nástroje, pár nových se naučili a pak jsme shrnuli dojmy z uplynulých tří hodin…
Jak GymtriStar vnímali diváci?
“Today, a talent show call GymtriStar took place at our school. We saw thirteen incredible
performances, including singers, pianists, dancers, guitarists, and many others.
In our opinion, the cutest contestant was a boy from 1.A who played the bass and sang a folk
song. He recieved a standing ovation for his performance.
We love the idea of an entertaining day at school where we are able to see our schoolmates in a
different light when they show their talent.
What we would recommend for the upcoming year is longer breaks between the performances,
maybe say something more about the performers and ask them some questions. The judges
could also say a bit more.
Overall, we enjoyed the talent show. “
B.D. + Z.K.
“Honestly, we (students) love this contest from the bottom of our hearts and we know that i tis
incredibly difficult to organise and to make things work. The performances themselves were
absolutely incredible. The bar war very high and we believe that the standard keeps getting
higher every year.
Although we really enjoyed the show and loved every second, we would appreciate if the
micrphones were a bit louder. Also, we all agreed that it would be much more fair if the judges
were the ones to pick the top three. “
E.H. + Z.K. + A.S.
A co na to samotní vystupující?
“I definitely enjoyed this talent contest as a performer. I was totally impressed how people
applaused and wanted to hear the programme once more. I operated the fog machine and set
the sound for our performance. I can say that the smoke definitely attracted everybody’s
I was impressed by our result and I hope we will have other performances where I will play the
guitar too. “
D. M.
An interview
A.P. How long had you been preparing your performance?
L.K. About a month. We decided to sign up last minute but we had been thinking about it long before.
A.P. Was it hard for you to choose the song?
L.K. For me, that was the hardest thing. We had already known that we wanted to sing with the piano but choosing one out of our twenty favourites to play was a struggle.
A.P. Is it difficult to coordinate playing the piano with singing?
L.K. If I sing the main melody, then playing the piano isn’t very hard but harmonising when playing can be a challenge.
A.P. Were you nervous?
L.K. Well, yes, obviously, it’s pretty normal to be but since this is my second time at GymtriStar, I kinda knew what to expect.
A.P. Thanks a lot.