Články ze dne 15. 9. 2018

Možnost odebírat Financial Times

V loňském školním roce nám byla nabídnuta možnost odebírat časopis Financial Times. Je vhodný zejména pro studenty vyšších ročníků, kteří mají zájem o ekonomiku. V letošním roce je nutné si přístup znovu aktivovat nebo nově zřídit. Návod, jak to udělat, je popsán v instrukcích FT.com týmu. Odkazy vám budou fungovat pouze na školním internetu.


Thanks for being part of the FT secondary schools programme.

We have received a number of requests from staff and students asking how to reactivate their account. To help us, please would you kindly forward this email to staff and students who need access.

To keep your free access to FT.com, you will need to confirm that you are still a student or member of staff at your school.

Doing this is really simple:

  1. Connect to your school internet (this won’t work if you’re not connected)
  2. Go to:
  3. Log in or register using your school email address as your username

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here.

That’s it – we hope you enjoy your access to FT.com!

If you have any questions, please contact: secondaryschools@ft.com

Thank you,

The FT.com team