The best Halloween horror stories 3.A

I v letošním roce jsme v třetím ročníku osmiletého studia objevovali nadějné spisovatele, kteří dokáží napsat hororový příběh, při jehož čtení tuhne krev v žilách. A aby to neměli jednoduché, dostali na to pouhých 40 minut a slova, která měli použít – Halloween, trick-or-treating, full moon, screamed, footsteps a strange. A protože právě procvičujeme minulý čas, předpokládali jsme, že jejich příběhy budou i gramaticky správné. Jako každý rok měla porota (Mgr. Kalinec, Mgr. Bruková a maturantky B. Czudková, T. Cieslarová a A. Ponczová) těžkou práci, neboť zajímavých příběhů se sešla celá řada.

A jak to dopadlo? Kdo získal diplom a sáček plný upířích zubů? Jste zvědaví?

Halloween horror stories

1. místo

Horror Story by Katka Buryová and Eva Kamarádová

It was the night of 31st October, the night when the scariest creatures come from their shelter.

Marry Jones was just drinking her pumpkin spice latte when somebody knocked on the door. She was surprised because she didn’t expect any company. Marry looked through the peephole on the door and saw four children in costumes. They went trick-or-treating but she wasn’t exactly in the mood for loud and ill-mannered children. She decided to ignore them and go upstairs to her bedroom.

Marry couldn’t fall asleep because she kept hearing some strange noise. She thought it was a hungry cat scratching the door, so she went downstairs to feed her but instead of a hungry cat she saw the kitchen covered in blood. She screamed. She heard footsteps coming from behind and felt a sharp object stabbing her back. She fell on the floor, dead.

Marry was surprised when she woke up from this strange dream in her bed. „It was probably just a full moon “, she thought. She went downstairs as usual to make herself breakfast but what happened made her fall on the floor in shock.

In the kitchen there was lying her body with a big machete stuck in her back. She looked on her hands and discovered that she’s invisible.

31st October will forever be the day Marry Jones turned into a ghost from now on.

2. místo

Strange Phone Call by Barbora Lipusová and Sofie Burawa

One Halloween night my family went trick-or-treating without me because I was sick. I was sad about it because I couldn’t go out with my friends. Then a strange thing happened to me…

I was watching Netflix in my room when I heard my phone ringing. I answered it. Then I realised it was FaceTime. I gasped when I saw our front yard on the video. I looked out of my window, but nobody was there. I was creeping out. But the person in the video started getting closer and closer to my house. Suddenly, I heard footsteps downstairs. I dropped my phone in shock. The door to my bedroom was half-opened and there was a scary dark shadow in the hallway. I opened my window and got out. I was on the roof to be exact. There’s a tree next to our house so I climbed down the tree and ran away without looking back.

I heard wolves howling at the full moon. I was terrified. I ran even faster to the centre of the village and found my family there. I told them the story and they called the police. The policemen found a broken vase only, but here was no sign of the person.

Since the experience we never let anyone stay alone in our house. Sometimes I still hear the footsteps in my nightmares and when I wake up, I’m all sweaty and scared.

And this was the strangest thing that ever happened to me.

3. místo

Horror Story by Štěpán Indrák and Gabriel Bonczek

It was Halloween of the year 2022 and something unexpected happened.

There was a boy called Bob and he saw something that changed him forever. He and his friends went trick-or-treating and they heard a strange sound coming from the park. They thought it would be great idea to go and look around. He was looking at the full moon and saw a scary-looking man. It was a real-life werewolf. They realized it and screamed, the werewolf noticed them and started chasing them.

“He had something with his eyes!” One of the friends said and they felt relaxed for just a second but then the werewolf followed their footsteps and finally found them.

He came up to them and said he needed help. They were so confused and asked: “What do you need to help with?”
“I need to find my daughter, please help me.”
“Ok, we can help but how?”
“I have a photo of her, this is her.”

The boys looked at each other and said: “She was our friend, but she’s been dead for almost two years…”

The werewolf was very sad and he asked them to bring him to her grave. After the boys left, he killed himself and put himself in her grave.

Vítězům gratulujeme a přejeme jim další literární úspěchy!

Mgr. Petra Bruková