Literární soutěž pro VG – It Matters to Me

Redakce časopisu Bridge v letošním roce vyhlásila literární soutěž na téma It Matters to Me. To nás, učitele angličtiny, inspirovalo k zorganizování školní soutěže na stejné téma. Sešla se celá řada zajímavých příspěvků na nejrůznější témata, např. životní prostředí, rodina, láska, štěstí, vzdělávání, motivace, smysl života a zdraví.

Porotci Mgr. Zawiszová a Mgr. Heczko si přečetli 24 odevzdaných příspěvků, zhodnotili úroveň anglického jazyka, zpracování zvolené myšlenky a vybrali tři nejlepší práce. Gratulujeme Tereze Cieslarové ze 4.E, Veronice Sarah Wapienikové ze 4.D a Lucii Burdové z 1.B a ostatním děkujeme za účast.

1.místo – WHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS by Tereza Cieslarová, 4.E

To start off, what matters the most is what people dedicate lives for. And it truly is a fundamental part in order to live a good, proportionate life. As a matter of fact, if we never put together our priorities, we find ourselves going in the never-ending loop of chaos. Personally, choosing what you unconditionally care for, the few things that matter in life, is necessary to coming of age and becoming adult.  

As I’ve matured over time, I came to realize a few of those things. Growing up, my overall contentment was conditional to the doll I wanted or the trendy clothes I desperately needed. Essentially, it all depended on the real palpable things. However, today I comprehend that it’s not the tangible wealth that makes life so exhilarating. It’s the pride after I pass an important exam, the love I feel as I see my favourite people, the excitement thinking about creating a home of my own. These things are worth getting in mud for, worth fighting for. So at the end, it’s not about the objects full of dopamine anymore, it’s the happiness and meaning behind what is ordinary. 

2. místo – THE LIFE´S TEACHER  by Veronika Sarah Wapieniková, IV. D 

 History is by many viewed simply as a sequence of past events we only come in touch with at school. It is not uncommon that people try to avoid everything that has something to do with history since they’re afraid it could be unbearably boring.  

The countless wars are not just a list of dates, victories and defeats. Wars are our ancestors´ fears, losses and tears. Those soldiers who were forced to fight to protect their country and religion are at the same time people without whose we wouldn’t walk the Earth today. We may not even be aware of all the heroes among our forefathers whose blood streams our veins. 

The rulers of no longer existent empires and their advisors keep the clue to a successful country. Understanding their mistakes as well as appreciating the achievements they reached is in fact the only thing that divides us from shaping our own conception of an ideal world. I therefore believe that history should be viewed as a well of wisdom we should use as a leader in our decisions. After all, each of us carries a great piece of the past within. 

 3. místo – HAPPINESS by Lucie Burdová, 1.B

Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl. When you looked at her you straight away expected her to be happy. But it wasn´t the case.  

She went through some dark ages and inspite of the fact that she wanted to be gleeful, she cannot. She was concealing her emotions beyond a mask. It was easier than telling someone her troubles. 

But then, she perceived that it is time to move on. It is hard to deny that no one is in actual fact happy for a lifetime. You have to reconcile with the fact that you will hit a rock bottom someday. 

Personally, I believe that communication is the most important thing in the entire world.  You definitely should talk about your problems before it gets out of hand. Even if you wouldn´t want to for all the tea in China. But it is essential. Or just take forty twinks. It always helps. Because what would we be without happiness?  What would we be without communication? 

And that is what matters to the girl. Happiness. I know all about this because I am the girl.